Kate Mawby Yoga pose garudasana eagle arms

Kate Mawby Yoga

Kate teaches Vinyasa Yoga in English. It is a style of yoga that smoothly flows through a sequence of postures, connecting movement with breath. It is a dynamic practice that helps to increase flexibility, strength and mindfulness.

Current Classes

UMA Yoga Studio
La Faktoria

Experience & Training

Journey Into
La Vieja Escuela
The Kula Centre
Flow Yoga Bristol
Yoga Teacher Training
Kate Mawby yoga profile photo

Kate discovered yoga in 2006 whilst living a fast-paced, high-stress lifestyle, as a Fashion Knitwear Designer in New York. Yoga became her moment of peace and deep relaxation, benefitting mind and body. The transformation she experienced has led her to make decisions leading towards a more mindful and satisfying life. She started teaching Vinyasa in 2013 after completing her Yoga Teacher Training. She has taught regular classes in Bristol, UK, and in several studios in Pamplona, Spain. Currently she teaches yoga at La Faktoria and UMA Yoga Studio.

Kate Mawby yoga ustrasana camel pose
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